SOC 2 認證:保護數據的關鍵標準
在當前數位化時代,企業對於數據安全與隱私的需求越來越高。SOC 2 認證(Service Organization Control 2)已成為衡量企業數據管理能力的重要標準,特別是在雲端服務和第三方供應商的合作中尤為關鍵。SOC 2 認證由美國註冊會計師協會(AICPA)制定,其核心是對服務提供
在當前數位化時代,企業對於數據安全與隱私的需求越來越高。SOC 2 認證(Service Organization Control 2)已成為衡量企業數據管理能力的重要標準,特別是在雲端服務和第三方供應商的合作中尤為關鍵。SOC 2 認證由美國註冊會計師協會(AICPA)制定,其核心是對服務提供
In today’s digital era, guaranteeing the protection and confidentiality of client data is more critical than ever. SOC 2 certification has become a gold standard for companies seeking to showcase their dedication to protecting sensitive data. This certification, overseen by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), focuses on five trust service pri
In the world of real estate, there’s no opportunity more exciting than purchasing land on the Moon. With advancements in space technology and humanity’s increasing interest in space exploration, owning a plot of land on the Moon is now possible. Lunar Embassy offers you the opportunity to purchase your very own piece of Moon real estate, markin